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赖世雄高级美语 版权信息

赖世雄高级美语 本书特色

《赖世雄高级美语》特聘台湾大学外文系教授bruce bagnell与赖世雄老师联合编撰,注重趣味性、知识性、严谨性,用词洗练且有深度,是欲看懂time、newsweek等外文报刊不可或缺的辅助教材。

赖世雄高级美语 内容简介


赖世雄高级美语 目录

lesson 1 let's visit new york! 参观纽约!
lesson 2 the amish 亚米希人
lesson 3 indoor pollution 室内污染
lesson 4 pizza,please! 请吃比萨吧!
lesson 5 hot animals around the 肋rid:chameleons 世界热门动物:变色龙
lesson 6 table manners in anglo-america 英美餐桌礼仪
lesson 7 the delights of south island 南岛之乐
lesson 8 ireland's contribution to english 爱尔兰对英文的贡献
lesson 9 why is basketball so popular? 篮球热
lesson 10 marlena smalls and the gullah: the revival of a unique community 原音再现
lesson 11 english in the caribbean 加勒比海英文
lesson 12 the louver:the world's best museum? 卢浮宫——全世界*棒的博物馆?
lesson 13 the ivy league schools:excellence in education 常春藤盟校——教育界的佼佼者
lesson 14 alpine treasures 乐在阿尔卑斯山
lesson 15 webcams:electronics tool or the end of privacy? 网路摄影机:电子工具或隐私终结者?
lesson 16 when is the best time? *佳时机为何?
lesson 17 precious and semi-precious stones 宝石和半宝石
lesson 18 hot animals ammld the world:the koala 世界热门动物:无尾熊
lesson 19 asian americans 亚裔美国人
lesson 20 scourge of the plains:tomadoes 平原之祸——龙卷风
lesson 21 what's so big about moby dick? 白鲸记
lesson 22 boston:hearth of american culture 波士顿:美国文化重镇
lesson 23 paper's long march 纸张的演进
lesson 24 coffee or tea break? 喝咖啡或喝茶?
lesson 25 earthquake precautions 地震防范措施
lesson 26 berries:nature's natural desserts 浆果——大自然的天然点心
lesson 27 the global proliferation of english 英语的全球化扩张
lesson 28 tips on english body language 使用英语肢体语言要诀
lesson 29 the fundamentals of public speaking 演讲的基本要素
lesson 30 new orleans:birthplace of jazz 新奥尔良——爵士乐的发祥地
lesson 31 the fine art of giving 给予的艺术
lesson 32 professional telephone etiquere 职业电话礼貌
lesson 3 3 did y-0u remember your tickets? 旅游行前准备
lesson 34 english small talk topics:what is ok and what is not? 慎选英语闲聊话题
lesson 3 5 hot animals around the world:the panda 世界热门动物:熊猫
lesson 36 vancouver:asia's newest city 温哥华——亚洲的新都市
lesson 37 the germanic languages 日耳曼语系
lesson 38 learning how to apologize 道歉之术

赖世雄高级美语 节选


赖世雄高级美语 相关资料

Lesson 1 Let's Visit New York!These words were used to describe New York when it was by far the largest, richest, and most developed city in the United Slates. New York still remains the largest and most famous city in the U.S. today, but some of its "nice" reputation has fallen over the past thirty years with stories of rampant crime making headlines around the world. How true are these stories? Is New York still a "nice" place to visit?. If so, what can a tourist do in New York? Let's take a closer look at America's premier city.First, as personal and social security are always uppermost in the minds of travelers, just how "dangerous" a city is New York? Despite the glaring headlines, New York, located in the northeastem U.S., is one of the safest cities in the U.S. In fact, New York state (which includes New York City —— thus, "New York, New York, the city so nice they named it twice”)ranks below other big-population states like California in both violent crime(of much concem to the tourist)and property crime. Other major cities have higher crime rates,too.Thus, the foreign traveler to New York city can feel more secure here than in most other large metropolitan areas of the U.S.Besides safety,why do more foreigners visit New York than any other American city?The answer lies in the character of New York itself. No other city in the world is more cosmopolitan. A walk through its hundreds of residential neighborhoods is like walking around the world itself。Placenames Iike Chinatown and Little Italy can be found on any map of New York,but smaller ethnic neighborhoods also abound. Also,all these groups sponsor annual or seasonal festivals,SO that nearly every week one or more of these peoples will share their cultural experiences(and food!)with other New Yorkers.Because of this unsurpassed ethnic diversity,the restaurant goer will feel that he has died and gone to heaven while in New York.There is hardly a cuisine on the pl

赖世雄高级美语 作者简介

赖世雄,教授是闻名海峡两岸的英语教学专家,先后获得美国明尼苏达大学大众传播与英语教学双硕士学位。担任托福专任讲师十八年,也是托福成绩满分纪录保持人之一。曾任上海夏旦大学及大连外国语学院客座教授。现任常春藤解析英语杂志社社长,著有英语升学、进修、生活英语丛书共计两百余种,并担任十多家电台英语教学节目广播主讲。 1993年赖世雄教授开始担任中央人民广播电台英语教学节目主播,时间长达十二年,教学方式风趣幽默、深入浅出、平易近人,深受广大听众的推崇。2003年赖教授经由《中国图书商报》评选为中国英语教学十大名师之一。2004年至今担任北京市政府主办英语活动之主讲教授。 赖教授深入研究英语教学,对广大英语学习者的需求有极为透彻的了解,长期以来受邀至各地演讲,不遗余力地传授读者英语学习的经验。

  • 主题:赖世雄英语,到底还是经典。


    2011/5/16 17:59:36