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LIGHT ON CHINA-Call of Yanan Story of the Indian Medical Mis

LIGHT ON CHINA-Call of Yanan Story of the Indian Medical Mis

开本: 16 页数: 429 页
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LIGHT ON CHINA-Call of Yanan Story of the Indian Medical Mis 版权信息

  • ISBN:7119034766
  • 条形码:9787119034768 ; 978-7-119-03476-8
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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LIGHT ON CHINA-Call of Yanan Story of the Indian Medical Mis 目录

Part Ⅰ:Mission to China International League of Oppressed Peoples Against Imperialism Indian Medical Mission to China Imperialism,the Highest Stage of Capitalism 1 Calcutta to HongkongPart Ⅱ:A Perspective on China China 1820—1920 2 Canton to Changsha 3 Hankow Front 4 Retreat to Yichang After the Fall of WuhanPart Ⅲ:A Period of Enforced Idleness The First United Front (1924—27) Dimensions of the United Front The Sian Incident,Dec1 936 5 Chungking 6 Senseless New Life Movement 7 Dogfight in Chungking 8 Sianthe KMT Bastille 9 The Sian IncidentPart Ⅳ:Yanan,the Great Cradle of the Revolution Suppression and Encirclement Campaigns The Long March 10 Yananthe Great Rear of the War 11 Hospitals ofthe Great Rear 12 Wei Hsiaothe Medical School from Kiangsi Soviet Days 13 Kang Dathe Anti—Japanese Military and Political UniversityJ7 14 Meeting Mao Tse-tung 15 Caves of Kweimao 16 Hospital at Ganguyi 17 Model Hospital in CavesPart Ⅴ:C rossing the Yellow River BorderRegion GovernmenlSet up Yanan,the Cradle ofthe Revolution Encirclement and Economic Blockades Anti—Communist Onslaughts by KMT The Internationalists 18 Cholkar Leaves for India 19 KMT Reluctant to Fight 20 Mukherjee Leaves for India 21 Nehru Comes to Chungking 22 Heavy Bombing in Yanan 23 Leave for Shansi FrontPart Ⅵ:South East Shansi Front The RedArmy Strategy in China’S Revolutionary War Guerrilla Warfare A Phenomenal Political Consciousness Developed in Everv,Fighter 24 Long March to Chin Dung Nan 25 General Tang’S Guerrilla Division 26 Crossing Enemy Lines at Licheng 27 A Programme of Political Study 28 Chu Teh Mediates for BaSU and Atal Leaves for India 29 Three Unforgettable Weeks with the Crack 1 st RegimentPart Ⅶ:Hopei,An Area of Fierce Fighting A People’S War Base Areas Behind Enemy Lines 30 Commander Yang’S Western Hopei Guerrilla Djvision 31 Peasants SelfDefence Corps 32 Chi Nan Government Shifts Daily 33 Fantastic Mass Organisation Amidst Gruesome Mopping-up Campaigns 34 Central Hopei Army 35 Ping Hsi 36 Hundred Flowers Mountain 37 Hundred Regiment Offensive 38 Back to Yanan 39 Policy of the Border Region Government of Hopei—Chahar—ShansiPart Ⅷ:Work in Yanan The World-Shocking Southern Anhui Incident Meeting Mao Leaders SettheExample 40 Living with Economic Blockades 41 All Oppressed Nations Come Together 42 Back to IndiaPart Ⅸ:Reports from China Reportsfrom China 43 Eighth Route Army and Medical Service in the Front 44 The Mohammedan Brigade of Central Hopei 45 In the Midst ofMopping—up Operations 46 We Join the Hundred Regiment Offensive 47 The People’S Political Council of the Border Region 48 Ping Hsi or West of Peiping Anti—Japanese Base 49 The Legendary Chu TehPart Ⅹ:Notes Appendixes Map of China Map of the Long March Route Map of North China Areas Where Peng Teh—huai, Vice Commander—in—Chief,8th Route Army,Directed Operations During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression Note on Chinese Spelling

LIGHT ON CHINA-Call of Yanan Story of the Indian Medical Mis 节选

The China Society for People's Friendship Studies(PFS)in cooperation with the Foreign Languages Press(FLP)in Beijing has arrangedfor republication,in the series entitled Light on China of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1 860s and the founding years of the People'SRepublic,by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revolutionary events described.Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in Chinaand abroad.
