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  • 聊斋志异故事

    王国振英文改编  /  2017-01-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《聊斋志异故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《聊斋志异》白话本基础上进行选编、翻译,向国外读者介绍聊斋志异故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Strange Tales from the Liaozhai Studio to the foreign readers....

  • 吕氏春秋故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《吕氏春秋故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《吕氏春秋》白话读本基础上进行编译,选取其中一些生动、富有哲理意义的故事,以此让国外读者更多地了解这部中国传统文化经典。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Selections from Lu's Commentaries of History to the f

  • 二刻拍案惊奇故事

    (明)凌蒙初著  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《二刻拍案惊奇故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《二刻拍案惊奇》全本基础上进行选编、翻译,向国外读者介绍初刻拍案惊奇故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Amazing Tales Second Series to the foreign readers....

  • 警世通言故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《警世通言故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《警世通言》全本基础上进行选编翻译,向国外读者介绍警世通言故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Stories Enlightening the World the World to the foreign readers....

  • 初刻拍案惊奇故事

    (明)凌蒙初著  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《初刻拍案惊奇故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《初刻拍案惊奇》全本基础上进行选编、翻译,向国外读者介绍初刻拍案惊奇故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Amazing Tales to the foreign readers....

  • 醒世恒言故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《醒世恒言故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《醒世恒言》全本基础上进行选编翻译,向国外读者介绍警世通言故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Stories to Awaken the World the World to the foreign readers....

  • 儒林外史故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《儒林外史故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《儒林外史》全本基础上进行缩编、翻译,向国外读者介绍儒林外史故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce The Scholars to the foreign readers....

  • 喻世明言故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《喻世明言故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《喻世明言》全本基础上进行选编翻译,向国外读者介绍喻世明言故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Instruction Stories to Enlighten the World to the foreign readers....

  • 赵氏孤儿故事

    纪群祥著  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《赵氏孤儿故事》由著名翻译家王国振在原著基础上进行编译,向国外读者讲述赵氏孤儿故事。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Zhao the Orphan to the foreign readers....

  • 史记故事

    王国振改编  /  2017-03-01  /  五洲传播出版社

    《史记故事》由著名翻译家王国振在《史记》白话读本基础上进行编译,以让国外读者更多地了解这部中国传统文化经典。 This book is edited and translated by the famous translator Wang Guozhen, to introduce Records ofthe Historian to the foreign readers....

  • 清明上河图,风俗画里的中国绘画史

    邦妮  /  2023-07-01  /  五洲传播出版社


  • 中国历史

    曹大为  /  2018-01-01  /  五洲传播出版社



