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马克吐温短篇小说精选:英汉对照 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787567782815
  • 条形码:9787567782815 ; 978-7-5677-8281-5
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

马克吐温短篇小说精选:英汉对照 内容简介


马克吐温短篇小说精选:英汉对照 目录

The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
The Story of the Bad Little Boy
The Facts Concerning the Recent Resignation
Cannibalism ithe Cars
Legend of the Capitoline Venus
Running for Governor
How I Edited aAgricultural Paper
The Story of the Good Little Boy
The Facts ithe Great Beef Contract
A Medieval Romance
Journalism iTennessee
The True Story
A Curious Experience
The StoleWhite Elephant
A Ghost Story
The Californian's Tale
Is He Living or Is He Dead?
The 1,000,000 Bank-Note
The MaThat Corrupted Hadleyburg
A Dog's Tale
The $ 30,000 Bequest
The Diary of Adam and Eve

马克吐温短篇小说精选:英汉对照 节选

  I have resigned. The government appears to go omuch the same,but there is a spoke out of its wheel, nevertheless. I was clerk of theSenate Committee oConchology, and I have throwup the position. Icould see the plainest dispositioothe part of the other members of thegovernment to debar me from having any voice ithe counsels of the na-tion, and so I could no longer hold office and retaimy self-respect. If Iwere to detail all the outrages that were heaped upome during the sixdays that I was connected with the government iaofficial capacity,the narrative would fill a volume. They appointed me clerk of that Com-mittee oConchology and theallowed me no amanuensis to play bil-liards with. I would have borne that, lonesome as it was, if I had metwith that courtesy from the other members of the Cabi which was mydue. But I did not. Whenever I observed that the head of a departmentwas pursuing a wrong course, I laid doweverything and went and triedto set him right, as it was my duty to do; and I never was thanked for itia single instance. I went, with the best intentions ithe world, to theSecretary of the Navy, and said:
  'Sir, I cannot see that Admiral Farragut is doing anything but skir-mishing around there iEurope, having a sort of piic. Now, that maybe all very well, but it does not exhibit itself to me ithat light. If thereis no fighting for him to do, let him e home. There is no use iamahaving a whole fleet for a pleasure excursion. It is too expensive.Mind, I do not object to pleasure excursions for the naval officers——pleasure excursions that are ireason——pleasure excursions that are eco-nomical. Now, they might go dowthe Mississippi oa raft——'
  You ought to have heard him storm! One would have supposed I hadmitted a crime of some kind. But I didn't mind. I said it was cheap,and full of republicasimplicity, and perfectly safe. I said that, for atranquil pleasure excursion, there was nothing equal to a raft.
  Thethe Secretary of the Navy asked me who I was ; and wheI toldhim I was connected with the government, he wanted to know iwhatcapacity. I said that, without remarking upothe singularity of such aquestion, ing, as it did, from a member of that same government, Iwould inform him that I was clerk of the Senate Committee oConcholo-gy. Thethere was a fine storm! He finished by ordering me to leave thepremises, and giving my attentiostrictly to my owbusiness ifuture.My first impulse was to get him removed. However, that would harmothers besides himself, and do me no real good, and so I let him stay.

马克吐温短篇小说精选:英汉对照 作者简介

马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835-1910),原名塞缪尔·朗霍恩·克莱门斯,生于美国密苏里州佛罗里达,先后当过印刷所学徒、报童、排字工人、水手、轮船驾驶员和报馆记者等,四处奔波,经历丰富。1865年,他发表了成名作《卡拉韦拉斯县声名狼藉的跳蛙》,一生笔耕不辍。著有长篇小说《汤姆·索亚历险记》《赫克贝利·芬恩历险记》《王子与贫儿》以及中短篇小说《百万英镑》《败坏了哈德莱堡名声的人》《竞选州长》等。他是美国文学史上第一个用纯粹的美国口语进行写作的作家,开创了一代文风。

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