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名老中医崔述生推拿手法图谱 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787122313058
  • 条形码:9787122313058 ; 978-7-122-31305-8
  • 装帧:一般铜版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

名老中医崔述生推拿手法图谱 本书特色

本书包括基本手法、分部手法及练功功法三部分。*部分基本手法论述了名老中医崔述生常用的十八个基本手法,包括每个手法的定义、作用机制、施术部位、具体操作和注意点。第二部分分部手法共十一节,以人体的十个部位手法及儿科手法组成,各节按需要由基础手法、其他手法、临床手法应用举例组成;其中重点论述了”颈部七线拨筋法” “头部按摩十法” “腹部按摩八法”等崔老独创性的推拿手法与治病理念以及崔老在儿科方面的治病特点。第三部分练功功法介绍了练功十八法、床上八段锦、放松功的练习方法,有助于增强人体体魄及疾病的防治。书中所提到的疾病包含伤科、内科、妇科、儿科疾病等。 本书可供国内外推拿临床工作者、国外留学生、中医院校师生以及推拿爱好者使用。

名老中医崔述生推拿手法图谱 内容简介


名老中医崔述生推拿手法图谱 目录

Chapter 1 Basic Tuina Manipulations

1.1 Catapult-plucking manipulation 001

1.2 Rolling manipulation 003

1.3 Vibrating manipulation 005

1.4  Pointing manipulation 007

1.5 Pushing manipulation 007

1.6 Grasping manipulation 009

1.7 Pressing manipulation 011

1.8 Kneading and twisting manipulation 012

1.9 Circular rubbing manipulation 014

1.10 Sweeping manipulation 015

1.11 Rotating manipulation 016

1.12 Shaking manipulation 017

1.13 Concentrating manipulation 018

1.14 Pinching manipulation 019

1.15 Knocking manipulation 021

1.16 Palm-twisting manipulation 022

1.17 Patting manipulation 023

1.18 Linear rubbing manipulation 023

Chapter 2 Tuina Manipulations Applied on Different Part of the Body

2.1 Tuina manipulations applied on the head 025

2.1.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the head 025

2.1.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the head 029

2.1.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 030

2.2 Tuina manipulations applied on the neck 032

2.2.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the neck 032

2.2.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the neck 035

2.2.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 039

2.3 Tuina manipulations applied on the thoracic and abdominal region 040

2.3.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the thoracic and abdominal region 040

2.3.2 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 046

2.4 Tuina manipulations applied on the back and waist 048

2.4.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the back and waist 048

2.4.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the back and waist 054

2.4.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 064

2.5 Tuina manipulations applied on the shoulder 066

2.5.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the shoulder 066

2.5.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the shoulder 073

2.6 Tuina manipulations applied on the elbow 075

2.6.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the elbow 075

2.6.2 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 077

2.7 Tuina manipulations applied on the wrist and palm 078

2.7.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the wrist and palm 078

2.7.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the wrist and palm 082

2.7.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 082

2.8 Tuina manipulations applied on the hip and thigh 083

2.8.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the hip and thigh 083

2.8.2 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 085

2.9 Tuina manipulations applied on the knee and calf 086

2.9.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the knee and calf 086

2.9.2 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 090

2.10 Tuina manipulations applied on the foot and ankle 091

2.10.1 Basic tuina manipulations applied on the foot and ankle 091

2.10.2 Other tuina manipulations applied on the foot and ankle 094

2.10.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 095

2.11 Manipulations for infantile tuina 096

2.11.1 Basic manipulations for infantile tuina 099

2.11.2 Other manipulations for infantile tuina 103

2.11.3 Cases of syndrome differentiation for clinical tuina manipulations 109

Chapter 3 Exercises for Manipulation Practice

3.1 Eighteen Exercises for practice 116

3.1.1 Exercises for the prevention and treatment of the pain on the neck and shoulder 116

3.1.2 Exercises for prevention and treatment of the pain on the lower back 121

3.1.3 Exercises for prevention and treatment of the pain on the hip and legs 126

3.1.4 Exercises for prevention and treatment of the pain on the joints 130

3.1.5 Exercises for prevention and treatment of the tenosynovitis 134

3.1.6 Exercises for prevention and treatment of the disorder of visceral function 138

3.2 Baduanjin Exercise on the bed 142

3.2.1 General requirements 143

3.2.2 Basic Movement 144

3.3 The Relaxation Exercise 151

3.3.1 Mind relaxation 152

3.3.2 Vibrating relaxation 155

3.3.3 Tapping relaxation 155

Appendix Meridians and Points Query Table


名老中医崔述生推拿手法图谱 作者简介

崔述生,北京中医药大学,教授,主任医师。第四批北京百名名老中医,北京薪火传承"3 3"工程崔述生名老中医工作室领头人,中国医学气功协会常务理事兼副秘书长,全国劳动模范,北京政协委员。从事临床、教学40余年,擅长用推拿、点穴、拔罐、中药内服外用治疗各科疾病。出版著作8部,在国内发表论文数十篇,国家科研课题一项,省部级科研课题一项。Cui Shusheng, the professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, the chief physician of Beijing drum tower hospital of TCM. Besides, he is the fourth batch of the one hundred famous senior TCM doctors in Beijing., the executive director of the association of Chinese medical qigong and deputy secretary general, the leader of the Cui Shusheng famous senior TCM doctor studio of Beijing inheritance "3 3" Project, the National model worker, the member of Beijing CPPCC.Professor Cui Shusheng continued working on clinic and teaching for more than 40 years, good at using tuina, acupuncture, acu-point pressure, cupping therapy and herbs in treatment of various diseases. In recent years ,he was in charge of a national research subject and a provincial scientific research subject, complied and participated in 8 academic monographs, published dozens of academic articles.
