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耿村故事选 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787513043342
  • 条形码:9787513043342 ; 978-7-5130-4334-2
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

耿村故事选 本书特色


耿村故事选 内容简介


耿村故事选 目录

section 1: legends and mythologies aboutthe universe and human beings 1. the giant creator of the universe panguand the heaven-repairing goddess nvwa 2. nvwa and the big dipper 3. the rooster and the sun 4. another version of multiple suns 5. the origin of weeds6. why does the moon shine?7. why do people have three skin colors? 8. why are human beings mortal? section 2: about historical figures (i) 9. bole and the fabled qianlima ( 千里马; “thousand-lihorse”) 10. lu ban learning the technical skill ofwoodworking 11.zhang yi got everything from nothingwith a silken tongue 12. the story between cao zhi and cao pi 13. three stories about zhuge liang  14. zuo si and paper became expensive inluoyang 15. hua mulan’s marriage (unofficialhistorical story) 16. emperor taizong of tang dynasty and themessenger from tibetan regime in ancient china 17. several legends about lord bao 18. two legends about su dongpo 19. the legend about the fictionaltiger-fighting hero, wu song, learning skills 20. the origin of gengcun village—zhuyuanzhang (hongwu emperor) conferred titles of nobility on king of geng 21. the legend of li shizhen selling quackmedicine to help others section 3: about historical figures (ii) 22. kangxi emperor and lord shi 23. yongzheng emperor banned gambling 24. qianlong emperor and fortune-telling 25. qianlong emperor and a couplet 26. qianlong emperor and his riddle 27. heshen, shen rulin and hu pinsan 28. heshen repaired the road used by theemperor 29. the story of pu songling opening ateahouse 30. zheng banqiao’s two visits at the samerestaurant 31. zheng banqiao’s visit at a temple 32. zheng banqiao took a boat 33. the magic painting of meng luling 34. a story about wang duo and his sonsection 4: buddhist and taoist stories 35. the monkey king teases the black dragon36. li jing at chentang pass burned thetemple 37. bai mudan outwitted lü dongbin 38. lü dongbin enlightened “three men of virtue”39. the great immortal tieguai li40. thousand-armed guanyin 41. zhao gongming as the god of fortune section 5: life folktales 42. jin yunu 43. a tale of a jade bracelet 44. a pearl shirt  45. xiucai’s daughter repelling the suitorwith wit 46.the story of giving out a treasuredobject 47. a princess choosing her husband 48. being blessed because of a good heart 49. three unfilial couples 50. zhang er selling noodles 51. a murder mystery of a strange flower 52. a lawsuit about a horse 53. rooster’s egg 54. daredevil ma 55. fake silver ingots 56. an old teapot 57. a prodigal who returns is more preciousthan gold

耿村故事选 作者简介

魏怡(1983.7-),石家庄铁道大学外语系讲师,中国社会科学院哲学博士,河北省翻译工作者协会理事。2010-2011年度美国Values & Virtues项目访问学者。出版学术专著《罗斯金美学思想中的宗教观》,另一部《希伯来民间文学文本细读》正在出版。主持参与省厅级课题十余项,在北大核心期刊发表论文5篇,在CSSCI期刊发表文章1篇,在EI源刊(JA)WIETE期刊发表文章1篇。2003年起从事翻译工作,拥有国家翻译专业资格(水平)口笔译证书。出版英汉译著40余部,汉英译著20余部。翻译量达600万字。与商务印书馆等出版社合作。题材涉及军事、金融、农业、宗教、文学、电影、法律、广告、游记、高铁等。被评为2013-2014年度石家庄市青年拔尖人才。获河北省第五届优秀翻译成果二等奖。荣获教学质量奖等奖项。王隽雅(1983.7-),硕士,石家庄铁道大学外语系讲师,主要研究跨文化交际和旅游英语。2005年,本科毕业于河北经贸大学英语语言文学专业。并于2006年赴爱尔兰国立利墨瑞克大学(University of Limerick)攻读旅游管理专业(Tourism Management),其间曾在古巴学习、实习,于2008年毕业回国。在国外期间工作学习两年有余,对欧洲宗教文化产生极大的兴趣,并依托专业课课题完成一项民间宗教旅游调查。
