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程序设计基础:第3版 版权信息

  • ISBN:7040127431
  • 条形码:9787040127430 ; 978-7-04-012743-0
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:

程序设计基础:第3版 内容简介

目前市场上有关程序设计的教材大多是针对具体的程序设计语言,例如PASCAL,BASIC,COBOL和C语言等来编写的,但是这类教材都掩盖了开发具体程序设计算法的基本步骤,而将主要内容集中在具体的高级语言语法结构上,不能教给学生程序设计的基本方法和思想。  本书采用结构程序设计技术及伪代码方式来开发具体的算法,更集中考虑所设计的程序设计问题本身。本书推荐采用伪代码形式,主要是由于伪代码更接近实际的程序代码,书写格式更灵活多样,并且在语法上和大多数结构程序设计语言更相似。  本书通俗易懂,实例丰富,用读者容易理解的体系和叙述方法,深入浅出、循序渐进地帮助读者更好地掌握相关的基本内容。本书适用广大计算机专业和非计算机专业的大中院校学生学习,也为有志于学习计算机程序设计或进一步提高编程技巧的工程技术人员提高了很大方便。  为了方便教学和学生学习英语知识,在引进该教材时采用了非常灵活的方式,既保留了原版教材的全部内容,又对重点内容进行了翻译,对重点句子和难理解的句子进行了单独注释,有利于学生在学习计算机知识的同时学习外语,适应就业市场的需要。  本书的译者是高等院校中有较丰富教学经验的教师。但是,由于计算机科学技术的飞速发展以及我们水平的有限,本书肯定会存在很多不足,热情希望得到社会各界和广大读者的批评指正。

程序设计基础:第3版 目录

1 Program Design
1.1 Steps in program development
1.2 Structured programming
1.3 An introduction to algorithms and pseudocode
1.4 Program data
1.5 Chapter summary

2 Pseudocode
2.1 How to write pseudocode
2.2 The Structure Theorem
2.3 Chapter summary

3 Developing an algorithm
3.1 Defining the problem
3.2 Designing a solution algorithm
3.3 Checking the solution algorithm
3.4 Chapter summary
3.5 Programming problems

4 Selection control structures
4.1 The selection control structure
4.2 Algorithms using selection
4.3 The case structure
4.4 Chapter summary
4.5 Programming problems

5 Repetition control structure
5.1 Repetition using DOWHILE structure
5.2 Repetition using the REPEAT…UNTIL structure
5.3 Counted summary
5.4 Chapter summary
5.5 Programming problems

6 Pseudocode algorithms using sequence, selection and repetition
6.1 Eight solution algorithms
6.2 Chapter summary
6.3 Programming problems

7 Array processing
7.1 Array processing
7.2 Initializing the elements of an array
7.3 searching an array
7.4 Writing out the contents of an array
7.5 Programming examples using arrays
7.6 Two-dimension array
7.7 Chapter summary
7.8 Programming problems

8 First steps in modularization
8.1 Modularization
8.2 Hierarchy charts or structure charts
8.3 Communication between modules
8.4 Using parameters in program design
8.5 Steps in modularization
8.6 Programming examples using modules
8.7 Chapter summary
8.8 Programming problems

9 Further modularization, cohesion and coupling
9.1 Steps in modularization
9.2 Module cohesion
9.3 Module coupling
9.4 Chapter summary
9.5 Programming problems

10 General algorithms for common business problems
10.1 Program structure
10.2 Report generation with page break
10.3 Single-level control break
10.4 Multiple-level control break
10.5 Sequential file update
10.6 Chapter summary
10.7 Programming problems

11 Object-oriented design
11.1 Introduction to object-oriented design
11.2 Steps in creating an object-oriented solution
11.3 Programming example using object-oriented design
11.4 Interface and GUI objects
11.5 Chapter summary

12 More object-oriented design
12.1 Object-oriented design with multiple classes
12.2 Programming example with multiple classed
12.3 Chapter summary
12.4 Programming problems

13 Conclusion
13.1 Simple program design
13.2 Chapter summary

Appendix 1 Flowcharts
The three basic control structures
Simple algorithms that use the sequence control structure
Flowcharts and the selection control structure
Simple algorithms which use the selection control structure
The case structure expressed as a flowchart
Flowcharts and the repetition control structure
Simple algorithms which use the repetition control structure
Flowcharts and modules

Appendix 2 Nassi–Schneiderman diagrams
The three basic control structures
Simple algorithms that use the sequence control structure
N-S diagrams and the selection control structure
Simple algorithms which use the selection control structure
The case structure , expressed as a N-S diagram
N-S diagrams and the repetition control structure
Simple algorithms which use the repetition control structure

Appendix 3 Special algorithms
Sorting algorithms
Dynamic data structure


