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读新闻学时事经济英语 版权信息

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读新闻学时事经济英语 目录

前言A big earthquake hitting Japan in future科学家预测日本将发生大地震Drilling is just part solution to reduce soaring gasoline prices钻井并非解决油价飙升的唯一途径Whether mobi le phones can be used to help the poor用手机扶贫immigration became an formal topic in United States移民成为美国正式话题Nearly 1billion were hungry in the world全球10亿人在挨饿Palestine'S flag fly over UNESCO巴勒斯坦国旗在联合国教科文组织上空飘起Massive natural gas fields of Mozambique was discovered莫桑比克发现了大规模天然气田600 million new jobs will be needed over next decade in the world未来10年全球需要6亿个新的就业机会Expanding trade and economy is the core of the return to Asia扩大经贸是美国重返亚洲的核心The secret of Apple苹果公司的秘密Open the Russia'S door to the Asia俄罗斯大门向亚洲打开The Americans are all ti red of the war in Afghanistan美国人厌倦阿富汗战争Many Americans are moving to Mexico in spite of the high crime rate there墨西哥犯罪率虽高但仍吸引美国人买房Arab countries face a serious food security chal lenge阿拉伯国家面临粮食安全挑战To replenish the fund to Fight AIDS国际抗艾滋病机构呼吁增加捐款Technology forecasting in 2012科技大预测Long-term effects of climate changes are still unknown未来气候变化有很多未知数L. A.protestors attack the gap between rich and poor in United States洛杉矶抗议者抨击美国的贫富差距The global recession has created a generation of“scarred”youth经济衰退造出“受伤一代”年轻人Time'S Person of the Year is“the Protester”《时代周刊》年度人物是“抗议者”Americans are worried about a so-called“double-dip”美国人担心所谓的“二次衰退”Tripoli is like a ghost city的黎波里犹如一座死城New York has legat ized same sex marriage纽约州通过法律,同性恋婚姻合法Putin triumphed in Russia'S presidential election普京大选获胜The White House proposed on Thursday a“privacy bill of rights”美国白宫于周四提出“网络隐私权益案”An enti re village has been relocated to protect tigers in India印度政府为保护老虎迁移整个村庄A big gap between Whites and Blacks in United States美国的白人和黑人仍然存在巨大差距US debt has now exceeded the GDP美国国债超其国内生产总值The number of people escaping violence across the Arab world阿拉伯世界逃避暴力难民激增The last landing of the Space Shuttle Atlantics“亚特兰蒂斯”号的*后降落European leaders are angry at the downgrade of the credit ratings欧洲领导人对信用评级下调很气愤The report on landmines appeared to be mixed全球排雷报告喜忧参半To prevent“reverse brain drain”in America美国阻止“逆向人才流失”Investments by Indian companies in foreign counties has risen sharply印度公司积极拓展海外投资机会The worst ai r poIlution in I ran and South Asia伊朗和南亚的空气质量*差Social media are changing the way doctor's offices operate社交媒体改变诊所运转方式Learning Mandarin Chinese in America在美国的汉语教学African governments are ill prepared to handle the ageing population非洲未准备好应对老龄化The college students in America have no debt because of their work-study prograrr美国大学生由于半工半读没有负债压力The Embassy Adoption Program使馆认养项目The AIternative Investment of the American investors美国投资人的另类投资Bob Hentzen,the man who raises awareness of plight唤起对贫困关注的鲍勃·亨森The debate over the federal budget in U.S.关于美国联邦预算的辩论The Euro is SO crucial to the whole EU欧元对整个欧盟至关重要Women farmers don't have the same rights as men女性农民没有享受平等权利Sudan and South Sudan have signed a security deal南北苏丹签署安全协议Obama has set new goals in fight against AIDS奥巴马称可以击败艾滋病The Middle East peace process has run into trouble中东和平进程遇到麻烦The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society claims the victory against Japanese Whalers海洋守护者协会声称抗日捕鲸获胜Sovereignty claims over North Pole by Denmark丹麦提出对北极点的主权要求Obama misses the civilian life奥巴马怀念平民生活The American Petroleum Institute is urging to approve a oil pipeline project美国石油学会敦促批准建设一个石油管道工程Australia's economy is facing a year of challenges澳大利亚经济今年面临挑战Unemployment in the eurozone has reached its highest level欧元区的失业率达到了*高水平The automakers changed the market downturn in India汽车制造商扭转了印度低迷市场The foreign investors show thei r interests to India外国投资看好印度Emergency aid is being sent to the stranded in a remote area of Chad向边远地区身处困境的乍得提供紧急救援The serious political challenge in areas liberated from Somalia索马里解放区面临严重的政治挑战Canada will pull out of the Kyoto protocol on climate change加拿大将退出有关气候变化的《京都议定书》Africa placed high on the World Water Forum非洲重视世界水资源论坛Australia'S people trafficking is becoming alarming and growing trend澳大利亚人口贩卖问题日趋严重

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