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理工-学术英语-(含CD-ROM光盘一张) 版权信息

理工-学术英语-(含CD-ROM光盘一张) 本书特色

《学术英语》属“学术提升”类教材,适合修完大学英语基础课程的本科生或研究生使用,旨在培养学生有效、得体地使用英语进行理工学科专业的学业学习与进行口头和书面形式的学术交流的能力。 本书特点如下:“跨学科”的概念,突出共性,淡化专业,丰富学生理工背景下的学术共核知识;输入与输出紧密结合,语言技能与专业知识兼顾,提高学生的学术综合能力;选材观点丰富、来源不同,既开阔学生视野,又培养批判与创新思维能力;突破常规教学模式,基于项目研究步骤编写,培养团队合作和探究精神。本书由蔡基刚主编。

理工-学术英语-(含CD-ROM光盘一张) 内容简介


理工-学术英语-(含CD-ROM光盘一张) 目录

Unit 1 Choosing a Topic1 Deciding on a topic Text 1 How Do Computer Hacke"Get Iide"a Computer? Text 2 ElectronicThreats of a Computer2 Formulating a research question Text 3 AdvantagesofCIoud Computing Text 4 Security Benefits of Cloud Computing3 Writing a working title4 Enhancing your academic language Reading: Texts 1-4 Listening: Lectures 1-5Unit 2 Searching for Information1 Finding reliable and better sources2 Scanning and skimming Text 5 Can You Compete with A.I. for the Next Job?3 Identifying topic sentences for information Text6 GameTheory4 Guessing word meaning From context Text 7 Darkness on the Edge of the Univee Through affixes and roots Text 8 HowNanotechnologyWorks5 Using the organization of the text Text 9 GIobalWarming and Its Effects6 Reading critically Text 10 GIobalWarming7 Taking notes8 Writing a summary9 Enhancing your academic language Reading:Texts 5-10 Listening: Lectures 6-9Unit 3 Listening to Lectures1 Preparing for listening to a lecture2 Paying attention to the introduction Lecture 103 Undetanding the ideas through examples Lecture 114 Following a lecture through signal words Lecture 125 Memorizing the points by taking notes Lecture 13Unit 4 Writing a Literature Review1 Writing a literature review Text 11 Risks of Nuclear Power Text 12 How Radiation Threate Health Text 13 Should Nuclear Radiation Found in Domestic Milk Come as a Surprise? Text 14 Radiation and Health:The Aftehocks of Japan's Nuclear Disaster2 Writing a self-contained literature review3 Writing a literature review as a part of an essay4 Citation5 Documentation6 Avoiding plagiarism7 Paraphrasing8 Enhancing your academic language Reading: Texts 11-14 Listening: Lecturest4-16Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay1 Definition Text 15 Genetically Modified Foods--Feed the World? Text 16 Influence of Genetically Modified Soya on the Birth Weight and Survival of Rat Pups Text 17 Clinical Risk Assessment of GM Foods2 Two types of research paper3 Writing an introduction4 Writing the body of a secondary research essay Definition Text 18 Physical Effects of Marijuana Use Organizatio5 Writing the body of a primary research essay Methods section Results section6 Writing a discussion or/and conclusion7 Writing an abstract8 Writing a reference list9 Academic writing style Formality Text 19. Research Reports for Business and Technical Writing Hedging10 Proofreading Check globally Check grammatically11 Enhancing your academic language Reading:Texts 15-19 Listening: Lectures 17-20Unit 6 Making an Oral Presentation1 Preparing your oral presentation2 Organizing the content3 Using proper language4 Delivering your presentation5 Using visual aids6 Dealing with Q and A7 Raising questio in class and in the lecture8 Participating in discussioAppendix 1: VocabularyAppendix 2: A Student's Paper