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从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue

从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue

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从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787308094306
  • 条形码:9787308094306 ; 978-7-308-09430-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue 本书特色

《From Training to Education:New Pedagogical Models in Dialogue》 is written by Xiaozhou Xu, as follows:The importance of Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) to the world development is just like what was said in Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Vision for the Twenty-First Century, a report to the Second International Congress on TVE organized by UNESCO: Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) has a crucial role to play in this area as an effective tool to realise the objectives of a culture of peace, environmentally-sound sustainabledevelopment, social cohesion and international citizenship. In the era of knowledge economy, the comprehensive strength of a country lies more and more in the professional qualifications and professional skills of its workforce. Every country in the world, therefore, has been seeking the mode of optimizing technical and vocational development.

从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue 内容简介

     《from training to education:new pedagogical models in dialogue》 is written by xiaozhou xu, as follows:the importance of technical and vocational education (tve) to the world development is just like what was said in technical and vocational education and training: a vision for the twenty-first century, a report to the second international congress on tve organized by unesco: technical and vocational education (tve) has a crucial role to play in this area as an effective tool to realise the objectives of a culture of peace, environmentally-sound sustainabledevelopment, social cohesion and international citizenship. in the era of knowledge economy, the comprehensive strength of a country lies more and more in the professional qualifications and professional skills of its workforce. every country in the world, therefore, has been seeking the mode of optimizing technical and vocational development.

从培训到教育:对话中的新教育模式:new pedagogical models in dialogue 目录

introduction fit session an overview of the society and the systems words of welcome knowledge society, lifelong learning, and formation to work lifelong learning and educational reforms in p. r. china speeches the development of society and vocational-technical formation in italy. vocational education reform in china interventio and free contributio--a situation of uncertainty second session curricula, students and peonnel of technical education and vocational training in italy and china section 1 italy curricula for vocational training undetanding the context of vet in italy: new tasks for leade what kind of students choose vocational education and inherent problems section 2 china curriculum integration of higher vocational colleges' humanities education vocational college teacher training in china types of students in vocational schools in china third session good practices in italy and china section 1 italy salesian experience in technical education and vocational training past and present the "sa]esian professional schools'--a historical approach salesian experience in vocational training--the present section 2 china chinese experience--linking up with the industry, serving the local economy, accelerating the development of vocational education a briefing of vocational education in changshan county interventio and free contributio what is the specific characteristic of salesian professional education in the areas of formation and training? from a new epistemology of work practice to a new epistemology of vocational education and training general conclusio a comparison to improve italian system and chinese system abbreviation