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数据挖掘导论-英文版 版权信息

数据挖掘导论-英文版 内容简介


数据挖掘导论-英文版 目录

1 introduction
 1.1 what is data mining?
 1.2 motivating challenges
 1.3 the origins of data mining
 1.4 data mining tasks
 1.5 scope and organization of the book
 1.6 bibliographic notes
 1.7 exercises
2 data
 2.1 types of data
  2.1.1 attributes and measurement
  2.1.2 types of data sets
 2.2 data quality
  2.2.1 measurement and data collection issues

数据挖掘导论-英文版 节选


数据挖掘导论-英文版 相关资料

插图:What Is an attribute?We start with a more detailed definition of an attribute.Definition 2.1. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an object that may vary, either from one object to another or from one time to another.For example, eye color varies from person to person, while the temperature of an object varies over time. Note that eye color is a symbolic attribute with a small number of possible values brown, black, blue, green, hazel, etc.}, while temperature is a numerical attribute with a potentially unlimited number of values.At the most basic level, attributes are not about numbers or symbols. However, to discuss and more precisely analyze the characteristics of objects, we assign numbers or symbols to them. To do this in a well-defined way, we need a measurement scale. Definition 2.2. A measurement scale is a rule (function) that associates a numerical or symbolic value with an attribute of an object.Formally, the process of measurement is the application of a measurement scale to associate a value with a particular attribute of a specific object. While this may seem a bit abstract, we engage in the process of measurement all the time. For instance, we step on a bathroom scale to determine our weight, we classify someone as male or female, or we count the number of chairs in a room to see if there will be enough to seat all the people coming to a meeting. In all these cases, the "physical value" of an attribute of an object is mapped to a numerical or symbolic value.With this background, we can now discuss the type of an attribute, a concept that is important in determining if a particular data analysis technique is consistent with a specific type of attribute.

数据挖掘导论-英文版 作者简介

作者:(美国)谭(Pang-Ning Tan) (美国)斯坦巴克(Michael Steinbach) (美国)库马尔(Vipin Kumar)Pang.Ning Tan现为密歇根州立大学计算机与工程系助理教授,主要教授数据挖掘、数据库系统等课程。他的研究主要关注于为广泛的应用(包括医学信息学、地球科学、社会网络、Web挖掘和计算机安全)开发适用的数据挖掘算法。Michael Steinbach拥有明尼苏达大学数学学士学位、统计学硕士学位和计算机科学博士学位,现为明尼苏达大学双城分校计算机科学与工程系助理研究员。Vipin Kumar现为明尼苏达大学计算机科学与工程系主任和William Norris教授。1 988年至2005年。他曾担任美国陆军高性能计算研究中心主任。
