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风险和资产配置 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787510004926
  • 条形码:9787510004926 ; 978-7-5100-0492-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

风险和资产配置 本书特色


风险和资产配置 内容简介


风险和资产配置 目录

audience and style
structure of the work
a guided tour by means of a simplistic example
part i the statistics of asset allocation
1 univariate statistics
1.1 building blocks
1.2 summary statistics
1.3 taxonomy of distributions
1.t technical appendix
1.e exercises
2 multivariate statistics
2.1 building blocks
2.2 factorization of a distribution
2.3 dependence
2.4 shape summary statistics
2.5 dependence summary statistics
2.6 taxonomy of distributions
2.7 special classes of distributions
2.t technical appendix
2.e exercises
3 modeling the market
3.1 the quest for invariance
3.2 projection of the invariants to the investment horizon.
3.3 from invariants to market prices
3.4 dimension reduction
3.5 case study: modeling the swap market
3.t technical appendix
3.e exercises
part ii classical asset allocation
4 estimating the distribution of the market invariants
4.1 estimators
4.2 nonparametric estimators
4.3 maximum likelihood estimators
4.4 shrinkage estimators
4.5 robustness
4.6 practical tips
4.t technical appendix
4.e exercises
5 evaluating allocations
5.1 investor's objectives
5.2 stochastic dominance
5.3 satisfaction
5.4 certainty-equivalent (expected utility)
5.5 quantile (value at risk)
5.6 coherent indices (expected shortfall)
5.t technical appendix
5.e exercises
6 optimizing allocations
part iii accounting for estimation risk
7 estimating the distribution of the market invariants
8 evaluating allocations
9 optimizing allocations
part iv appendices
a linear algebra
b functional analysis
list of figures

风险和资产配置 节选


风险和资产配置 相关资料

插图:The financial markets contain many sources of risk. When dealing with severalsources of risk at a time we cannot treat them separately: the joint structureof multi-dimensionai randomness contains a wealth of information that goesbeyond the juxtaposition of the information contained in each single variable.In this chapter we discuss multivariate statistics. The structure of thischapter reflects that of Chapter 1: to ease the comprehension of the multi-variate case refer to the respective section in that chapter. For more on thissubject see also references such as Mardia, Kent, and Bibby (1979), Press(1982) and Morrison (2002).In Section 2.1 we introduce the building blocks of multivariate distributionswhich are direct generalizations of the one-dimensional case. These include thethree equivalent representations of a distribution in terms of the probabilitydensity function, the characteristic function and the cumulative distributionfunction.In Section 2.2 we discuss the factorization of a distribution into its purelyunivariate components, namely the marginal distributions, and its purely jointcomponent, namely the copula. To present copulas we use the leading exampleof vanilla options.In Section 2.3 we introduce the concept of independence among randomvariables and the related concept of conditional distribution.In Section 2.4 we discuss the location summary statistics of a distributionsuch as its expected value and its mode, and the dispersion summary statisticssuch as the covariance matrix and the modal dispersion. We detail the geo- metrical representations of these statistics in terms of the location-dispersionellipsoid, .and their probabilistic interpretations in terms of a multivariateversion of Chebyshev's inequality. We conclude introducing more summarystatistics such as the multivariate moments, which provide a deeper insightinto the shape of a multivariat
