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Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302207306
  • 条形码:9787302207306 ; 978-7-302-20730-6
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 本书特色


Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 内容简介

简介   本书是著名作者john lewis与william loftus作为其一流的cs1教材“java software solutions:foundations of program design”的姊妹篇。尽管本书的英文名为“java software structures: designing and using data structures”,但正如作者在前言中所说的那样,本书其实是一本可作为“数据结构与算法”课程的教材。根据使用了前两版的教师和学生的反馈,作者在第3版中进行了重大修改,以适应教学的需要。    本书关注的是数据结构和算法背后的核心设计问题。在展现每种集合时,本书都是先探讨该集合的一般概念,接着再讨论该集合在问题求解中的用法,*后讨论了各种候选实现方案。因此,本书是“数据结构与算法”java语言描述课程的理想教材。

Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 目录

Chapter I Introduction1.1 Software QualityCorrectnessReliabilityRobustnessUsabilityMaintainabilityReusabilityPortabilityEfficiencyQuality Issues1.2 Data StructuresA Physical ExampleContainers as ObjectsChapter 2 Analysis of Algorlthms2.1 Algorithm Efficiency2.2 Growth Functions and Big-OH Notation2.3 Comparing Growth Functions2.4 Determining Time ComplexityAnalyzing Loop ExecutionNested LoopsMethod CallsChapter 3 Collections3.1 Introduction to CollectionsAbstract Data Types,The lava Collections API3.2 A Stack Collection3.3 Crucial OO ConceptsInheritanceClass HierarchiesThe Object ClassPolymorphismReferences and Class HierarchiesGenerices3.4 A Stack ADTInterfaces3.5 Using Stacks: Evaluating Postfix Expressions3.6 ExceoflonsException MessagesThe try StatementException Propagation3.7 Implementing a Stack: Wlth ArraysManaging Capacity3.8 The ArrayStaak ClassThe ConstructorsThe push OperationThe pop OperationThe peek OperationOther OperationsChapter 4 Llnked Structures4.1 References as Unks4.2 Managing Linked ListsAccessing ElementsInserting NodesDeleting NodesSentinel Nodes4.3 Elements Without LinksDoubly Linked Lists4.4 Implementing a Stack: Wlth LinksThe LinkedStack ClassThe push OperationThe pop OperationOther Operations4.5 Using Stacks: Traversing a Maze4.6 Implementing Stacks:The java. util. Stack ClassUnique OperationsInheritance and ImplementationChapter 5 Queues5.1 A Queue ADT5.2 Using Queues: Code Keys5.3 Using Queues: Ticket Counter Simulation5.4 Implementing Queues: With LinksThe remove OperationThe contains OperationThe ieeraeor OperationThe add Operation for an Ordered ListThe enque OperationThe dequeue OperationOther Operations5.5 Implementing Queues: With ArraysThe enqueue OperationThe dequeue OperationOther OperationsChapter 6 Lists6.1 A List ADTIteratorsAdding Elements to a ListInterfaces and Polymorphism6.2 Using Ordered Lists: Tournament Maker6.3 Using Indexed Lists: The Josephus Problem6.4 Implementing Queues: With ArraysThe enqueue OperationThe dequeue OperationOther OperationsOperations Particular to Unordered ListsThe addAfter Operation for an Unordered List6.5 Implementing Llsts: With LlnksThe remove OperationDoubly Linked ListsThe iterator Operation6.6 Lists in the Java Collections APICloneableSerializableRandomAccessJava.util.VectorJava.util.ArrayListJava.util.LinkedListChapter 7 Recursion7.1 Recurslve ThlnkingInfinite RecursionRecursion in Math7.2 Recurslve ProgrammingRecursion versus IterationDirect versus Indirect Recursion7.3 Using RecutsionTraversing a MazeThe Towers of Hanoi7.4 Analyzing Recursive AlgorithmsChapter 8 Sorting and Searching8.1 SearchingStatic MethodsGeneric MethodsLinear SearchBinary SearchComparing Search Algorithms8.2 SortingInsertion Sort

Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 节选

《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》是著名作者John Lewis与William Loftus作为其一流的CS1教材“Java Software Solutions:Foundations of Program Design”的姊妹篇。尽管《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》的英文名为“Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures”,但正如作者在前言中所说的那样,《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》其实是一本可作为“数据结构与算法”课程的教材。根据使用了前两版的教师和学生的反馈,作者在第3版中进行了重大修改,以适应教学的需要。《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》关注的是数据结构和算法背后的核心设计问题。在展现每种集合时,《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》都是先探讨该集合的一般概念,接着再讨论该集合在问题求解中的用法,*后讨论了各种候选实现方案。因此,《Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版)》是“数据结构与算法”Java语言描述课程的理想教材。

Java软件结构与数据结构(第3版) 相关资料

插图:Abstraction is another important software engineering concept. In large soft-ware systems, it is virtually impossible for any one person to grasp all of the de-tails of the system at once. Instead, the system is divided into abstract subsystemssuch that the purpose of and the interactions among those subsystems can bespecified. Subsystems may then be assigned to different developers or groups ofdevelopers that will develop the subsystem to meet its specification.An object is the perfect mechanism for creating a collection because, if it is de-signed correctly, the internal workings of an object are encapsulated from the restof the system. In almost all cases, the instance variables defined in a class shouldbe declared with private visibility. Therefore, only the methods of that class canaccess and modify them. The only interaction a user has with an object should bethrough its public methods, which represent the services that the object provides. As we progress through our exploration of collections, we will always stressthe idea of separating the interface from the implementation. Therefore, for everycollection that we examine, we should consider the following:How does the collection operate, conceptually?How do we formally define the interface to the collection?What kinds of problems does the collection help us solve?In which various ways might we implement the collection?What are the benefits and costs of each implementation?Before we continue, let's carefully define some other terms related to the explo-ration of collections. A data type is a group of values and the operations definedon those values. The primitive data types defined in Java are the primary exam-pies. For example, the integer data type defines a set of numeric values and theoperations (addition, subtraction, etc.) that can be used on them. An abstract data type (ADT) is a data type whose value
