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英语泛读教程-1 版权信息

英语泛读教程-1 目录

Unit One Campus LifeText A College Is Time to BudgetReading Skills Context Clues Word Study (1)Text B The Campus——Green, Greener, the GreenestText C Yale Campus Just Part of New Haven's Vibrant Cultural LifeText D US College Sports, Clubs and Student Groups and Other Forms of Student LifeUnit Two LEarning EnglishText A Why Learn EnglishReading Skills Word Study(2) Text B How to Learn EnglishText C How to Avoid Making Mistakes in EnglishText D Teaching PhilosophyUnit Three BooksText A Why Read?Reading Skills Word Study(3) Text B Books Are Among the Most Popular Activities Text C Five Types of Books That Increase Intelligence Text D About Reading Books Unit Four FriendshipText A On Friendship Reading Skills Word Study(4)Text B A Friend in Need Is a Friend IndeedText C The Secrets of Male Friendships: Man DateText D How to Be a Friend of YourselfUnit Five HobbgText A Cultivating a HobbyReading Skills Word Study (5)Text B Developing Good HabitsText C Can You Change Your Habits?Text D The States ExplainedUnit Six Good MannErsText A What Are Good Manners?Text B Teachers Got It Tough!Text C Where Has Common Courtesy Gone?Text D Excuse MeUnit Sever Food and DietText A Food Composition Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats and FibreText B Food Composition Minerals and VitaminsText C Food PropertiesText D Food Acidity, Oxidation and TemperatureUnit Eight 5afetyText A The Demand for ResourcesText B Acid Rain and Global WarmingText C Sustainable Energy Resources, Energy Efficiency, the Energy Text D Renewable Energy Sources Unit Nine Sports and GamEsText A The World Marathon and the New York City Marathon:the World RaceReading Skills Sentence Reading (1)Text B Beat Depression with Regular ExerciseText C The Swim MeetText D Indoor Games and Sports Unit Ten HolidagsText A The Last Christmas TreeReading Skills Sentence Reading (2)Text B Binky's ThanksgivingText C Columbus Day ControversyText D You'll Forever Be My Valentine Unit Eleven Work and PlagText A Working Hard or Hardly Working?Reading Skills Sentence Reading (3)Text B In the Workplace, Loyalty Is a Sometime ThingText C Employee InvolvementText D Why I'll Spend, Spend, Spend if I Win the Lottery Unit Twelve Feelings and LoveText A Loneliness: How Can We Overcome It?Reading Skills Sentence Reading (4)Text B Care of the Elderly: a Family MatterText C Ode to My Fountain Pen in MemoriamText D What Dads Are Made of Unit Thirteen TravelsText A Amsterdam: Sightsee by Day and Party by NightReading Skills Sentence Reading (5)Text B Student Travel Backpacking in EuropeText C Fitness Travel: a Unique Way to See the WorldText D What Is Chile Facing Now to Boost Its Tourism? Unit Fourteen Modern LifeText A Fear Factors: Modern Life Gives Children Plenty to Worry AboutReading Skills Sentence Reading (6)Text B Childhood: Are Violent Video Games Harmless Entertainment?Text C Text Messages Could Help Turn the Tide of HIV and AIDS in South AfricaText D The Future of the Future: What Life Will Be Like, Starting Today Unit Fifteen Successful PeopleText A Alfred Nobel: a Man of PeaceReading Skills Sentence Reading (7)

英语泛读教程-1 节选

《英语泛读教程1》编写有如下几个主要特点。**,题材广泛,内容丰富,体裁多样。本系列教材的题材既关注了大学生活的有关方面,也涵盖了英语国家社会与文化的方方面面;既有人文知识方面的文献,也不乏科普常识方面的文章。教材选材注重时代感,集思想性、知识性、实用性和趣味性为一体,涉及历史、地理、政治、军事、法律、经济、科技、金融、宗教、体育、环保、能源、医药、食品、艺术、娱乐、休闲、旅游、风俗等各方面的内容。第二,文章注重长度与难度的适切性,阅读量较适中。本系列教材的编写注重学习的规律性,所选文章由易到难,由浅入深,由短到长。而在阅读量的安排方面,遵循适中的原则,既不因太少而让学生感到吃不饱,也不因过量而使得学生产生厌烦情绪。文章长度从第1册的550至600词(每分钟阅读量为60词至80词)逐渐增加到第四册的1,500词左右(每分钟阅读量为180词)。第三,读与写结合,读与说结合。每个单元的Text A与Text D部分除了安排阅读理解的练习之外,还适当地融入了写与说的训练,以期达到充分利用所学材料进行写与说等综合技能训练的目的。第四,借助技巧指导阅读,通过实践强化理论。每册安排4个阅读技巧,每4个单元呈现1个阅读技巧,使得学生在理论与技巧的指导下进行实践。

英语泛读教程-1 相关资料

插图:US College Career-based ClubsUniversities often have their own chapters of professional organizations orcareer-based clubs. These groups can be a great way to become involved in studentlife, meet classmates with similar career goals and network with people alreadyworking in the field.Also check if the college offers activities that will help you develop the skillsyou'll need after college. If you like to write, head toward the school newspapers,yearbooks or literary magazines. If you want to be a politician, look into studentgovernment.International Groups for StudentsClubs centered on a specific language or country can cater both to internationalstudents and to others who simply want to learn more about a different society andlife in other countries. These international clubs can also point their members tolocal opportunities to experience the culture, such as speakers, festivals andauthentic restaurants.International clubs provide people with the chance to practice speaking adifferent language while foreign classmates and faculty share their traditions. Theseclubs can also give you the chance to try different foods or watch foreign movies.Student Life: a Club for Every InterestIt would be impossible to list all the clubs and organizations a college mightoffer. They can range from volunteer groups to acting troupes, academic honorariesto fraternities(有相同职业爱好或信仰的群体,同人) and sororities(女生联谊会).Others might focus on music, religion or philosophy.Check if the university has a department focusing on student life or studentactivities. It should be able to provide you with a list of groups on campus or putyou in contact with leaders of the clubs that interest you. College organizations becoming involved in student life can help you make newfriends, learn new skills and make campus feel like home. But even if you can't finda club that revolves around u
