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∈国际商法原理与案例(英文版) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787566323682
  • 条形码:9787566323682 ; 978-7-5663-2368-2
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

∈国际商法原理与案例(英文版) 内容简介

  在借鉴国内外《国际商法》英文版教材有益经验的基础上,《国际商法:原理与案例(英文版)》在编写过程中力求做到如下几点:  一是准确阐述法学原理。学习国际商法,我们不仅应知其然,更应知其所以然。教科书上如果只是简单地罗列国际商事公约或惯例条文,而不阐述条文背后精神,无助于读者准确理解国际商事规则。因此,《国际商法:原理与案例(英文版)》在重点参考近年出版的国际商法、国际货物买卖法、海上货物运输法与信用证法领域的教材、专著与论文的基础上,对相关法律制度背后的法理进行了系统、准确的阐述。而且,为了方便读者进一步深入学习,此书尽可能用脚注方式详尽标出了文献资料来源,并在文末列出了主要参考文献目录。  二是原理与案例相结合。抽象的法律条文与原理解释并不易于为读者掌握。因此,此书在阐述各个法律制度原理之后,列举或援引了国内外经典法院判决或仲裁裁决等500多起,以帮助读者更为准确地理解相关国际商事规则在司法实践中是如何具体运用的。此书所选案例来源广泛,不仅有英、美、德等西方国家的经典国际商事判例,而且有不少我国法院与仲裁机构裁决的典型案件,在信用证法部分甚至援引了不少国际商会的意见。为便于读者对案件判决推理有更深入的把握,此书特将200余起案件的案情及判决核心观点用二维码方式进行了展示。

∈国际商法原理与案例(英文版) 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction to International Commercial Law
1 Risks in International Commercial Transactions
2 Definition of International Commercial Law
3 History of International Commercial Law
4 Sources of International Commercial Law
Section 1 International Sale of Goods

Chapter 2 Introduction to International Sales Law
1 Definition of International Sales Contract
2 Form of Contract
3 Law Applicable to International Sales Contract: CISG
4 Sphere of Application of the CISG
5 Exceptions to Application of CISG

Chapter 3 Sales Contract Formation
1 Offer
2 Acceptance

Chapter 4 Obligations of the Parties to International Sales Contract
1 Seller's Obligations
2 Buyer's Obligations

Chapter 5 Passing of Risk and Property
1 Passing of Risk
2 Passing of Property

Chapter 6 Breach of International Sales Contract
1 Definition and Types of Breach
2 Fundamental Breach
3 Anticipatory Breach

Chapter 7 Remedies for the Breach of International Sales Contract
1 Remedies for Breach: an Overview
2 Remedies Unique to the Buyer
3 Remedies Unique to the Seller
4 Remedies Available to Both Buyer and Seller
5 Excuses for Breach
Section 2 Carriage of Goods by Sea

Chapter 8 Introduction to Carriage of Goods by Sea
1 Definition & Types of Contracts of Carriage by Sea
2 Charter party

Chapter 9 Bills of Lading
1 Definition & History of Bills of Lading
2 Law Applicable to Bills of Lading
3 Issuance & Contents of Bills of Lading
4 Characteristics of Bills of Lading
5 Classification of Bills of Lading

Chapter 10 Carrier's Duties and Liabilities under Bill of Lading
1 Carrier's Duties
2 Carrier's Liability Period
3 Carrier's Immunities
4 Carrier's Limit of Liability
Section 3 Letters of Credit

Chapter 11 Introduction to Letter of Credit
1 Definition of Letter of Credit
2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Letter of Credit
3 Law Applicable to Letter of Credit
4 Parties to the Credit Transaction and Their Obligations
5 Types of Letter of Credit

Chapter 12 Issuance,Advice and Amendment
1 Issuance of Letter of Credit
2 Advice of Letter of Credit
3 Amendment to Letter of Credit

Chapter 13 Presentation,Examination and Honor
1 Time Limitation for Presentation
2 Place for Presentation
3 Standard for Examination

∈国际商法原理与案例(英文版) 作者简介

  王金根,法学博士,泉州师范学院陈守仁商学院副教授,中国政法大学国际银行法律与实务研究中心兼职研究员,美国佛罗里达大学、韦恩州立大学访问学者。主要研究兴趣集中于比较合同法、信用证法。出版专著《信用证不当拒付损害赔偿责任研究》(中国政法大学出版社,2021年,中国政法大学优秀博士学位论文丛书)。在Berkeley Journal of International Law、Banking & Finance Law Review、The Banking Law Journal、Journal of International Banking Law & Regulation 以及Journal of Transnational Law & Contemporary Problems 等期刊上发表英文论文10余篇。担任加拿大期刊Banking and Finance Law Review匿名审稿人。
