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荆楚文化概论(英文版高等学校本土文化教材) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787568067294
  • 条形码:9787568067294 ; 978-7-5680-6729-4
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

荆楚文化概论(英文版高等学校本土文化教材) 本书特色


荆楚文化概论(英文版高等学校本土文化教材) 内容简介


荆楚文化概论(英文版高等学校本土文化教材) 目录

Chapter One Civilization in the Midstream of the Han River1
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions3
Ⅱ. The text3
1. Dinosaur Egg Fossils at Qinglong Mountain4
2. Turquoise at Yungai Temple (云盖寺)6
3. Yunxian Man on Quyuan River (曲远河)9
Ⅲ.Questions for discussion12
Ⅳ. Sources12
Ⅴ. Material for further reading12
1. He Shi (an excerpt from Han Feizi)12
2. Wan bi gui Zhao (an excerpt from Records of the Historian)13
Chapter Two Shennongjia: A Mystery19
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions21
Ⅱ. The text22
1. Natural Beauty in Shennongjia22
2. The Origin of Shennongjia26
3. Haven for Relict Vegetation and Endangered Animals27
4. The Mystery of Savages28
Ⅲ. Questions for discussion30
Ⅳ. Sources30
Ⅴ. Material for further reading31
1. Huai Nan Zi (an excerpt)31
2. The Book of Master Baopu (excerpts)32
3. Huangdi Neijing (an excerpt)34
Chapter Three A Brief History of the State of Chu37
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions39
Ⅱ. The text40
1. Bi lu lan lv—The Beginning of the State of Chu40
2. Wen ding zhi xin—Early Expansion42
3. Yi ming jing ren (一鸣惊人)—Rise to Power46
4. Chu cai Jin yong (楚材晋用)—The Frustration of an Empire48
5. Qian jin shi gu—Chu’s Heyday53
6. Zong heng bai he — Decline of Chu58
7. Nan feng bu jing—Fall of Chu63
Ⅲ. Questions for discussion65
Ⅳ. Sources65
Ⅴ. Material for further reading66
1.Shijing/The Book of Songs (excerpts)66
2. History of the Former Han Dynasty (an excerpt)68
Chapter Four Tao Te Ching and Taoism (Philosophy in the State of Chu)71
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions73
Ⅱ. The text74
1. The Lao-Zhuang Thought /Lao Tzu and Chuang Zi74
2. Taoism77
3. Wudang Mountains81
4. The Legend of Yellow Crane Tower84
Ⅲ.Questions for discussion87
Ⅳ. Sources87
Ⅴ.Material for further reading88
1. Tao Te Ching (excerpts)88
2. The Book of Zhuang Zi (excerpts)91
3. “Yellow Crane Tower”93
4. “Chuang Tzu, The Monist”94
Chapter Five Literature in the State of Chu95
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions97
Ⅱ. The text98
1. Shijing and Chuci98
2. An Introduction to Lisao101
3. Artistic Achievements in Lisao106
Ⅲ.Questions for discussion109
Ⅳ. Sources109
Ⅴ. Material for further reading109
1. Lisao (excerpts)109
2. “Heavenly Questions” (an excerpt)113
3. “Hymn to the Fallen”113
Chapter Six Artistic Achievements in the State of Chu115
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions117
Ⅱ. The text118
1. Guqin Pavilion and Gao shan liu shui119
2. Jin sheng yu zhen (金声玉振)120
3. Painting, Sculpture and Chu-Style Lacquer Ware124
Ⅲ. Questions and topics for discussion129
Ⅳ. Sources130
Ⅴ. Material for further reading130
1. The Story of the Stone (excerpts)130
2. Records of the Historian (an excerpt)135
Chapter Seven People of the Three Gorges137
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions139
Ⅱ. The text140
1. The Three Gorges (长江三峡)140
2. The Three Gorges Dam142
3. The Ba People (巴人)144
4. Celebrities of the Three Gorges145
Ⅲ. Questions for discussion146
Ⅴ. Material for further reading147
1. “Alarm at First Entering the Yangtze Gorges”147
2. “Early Departure from Baidi City”148
3. “Sze yueh”149
4. “Thinking of My Late Wife”150
5. Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber (an excerpt)150
Chapter Eight Industrialization and Commercialization in Wuhan and the 1911 Revolution153
Ⅰ. Lead-in questions155
Ⅱ. The text156
1. The Second Opium War (1856—1860)156
2. Hankou Opened as a Business Port157
3. Zhang Zhidong and Hanyang Iron & Steel Factory159
4. Wuchang Uprising163
Ⅲ. Questions for discussion168
Ⅳ. Sources168
Ⅴ. Material for further reading169
The Yi King/The Book of Changes /Classic of Changes (excerpts)169
Afterword(后 记)173

荆楚文化概论(英文版高等学校本土文化教材) 作者简介

彭家海,男,湖北工业大学外语学院教授,系主任,主要科研论文及著作如下:十九世纪初的美国社会与美国浪漫主义文学 (论文、湖北社会科学,2008);十八世纪末、十九世纪初的英、美浪漫主义文学探源(论文,北京航空航天大学学报,2015);《新编美国文学教程》(修订版)(湖北省外国文学学会第八届科研成果奖著作类二等奖,2013)。
