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有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787544785075
  • 条形码:9787544785075 ; 978-7-5447-8507-5
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 本书特色

有声双语经典(第二辑)精选10部世界成长经典,英文文本由美国教育专家精编改写、高考听力主播有声书朗读。全套系由著名儿童文学作家黄蓓佳倾情推荐。 两辑共20部世界经典名著,对应喜马拉雅有声剧《韩雪讲给孩子的世界经典名著》。该广播剧由韩雪演播中文部分,一人演绎100多个角色。英文部分由纯正美音录制,在孩子的语言关键期,帮助孩子磨耳朵,培养英文语感。以图文并茂、文字与声音魅力相结合的方式,让孩子能够通过自己喜欢的方式阅读世界经典,家长能够与孩子全心共享共同成长的美好时光。

有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 内容简介


有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 目录


有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 节选

第1章 实情 你要是读过一本叫《汤姆??索亚历险记》的书,就一定认识我。那本书是马克??吐温先生写的,书上讲的大体是实情—好吧,也有可能他在某些地方添了点油加了点醋。 当然,如果你没听说过我这个人,也没什么关系。接下来会讲到很多关于我和我的朋友汤姆??索亚的事儿。汤姆是我**要好的朋友。 明白了吧,不久之前,我和汤姆一起疯了一阵子。我们找到强盗藏在山洞里的一堆金子。谁找到就归谁。我和汤姆每人得到6000美元。这可是一大笔钱哪! 撒切尔法官帮我们把这笔钱存进了银行,每天给我们1美元。对我来说,一天要花掉1美元真是不太容易,可汤姆总能想出花钱的点子。 我一个人过了一阵子,因为我爸爸跑了。我不知道他去哪儿了。不过道格拉斯寡妇觉得我很可怜,把我接过去和她一起住。她觉得我有点野,想要调教我。她总是提醒我要注意举止。 “哈克贝利,把耳朵后面洗一洗。” “哈克贝利,不要用手拿菜。” “哈克贝利,进门前把鞋子擦擦。” 好像她叫到我的名字就一定会加一句提醒。 她还逼我穿新衣服。那些衣服穿着又紧又痒,让我透不过气来。她锲而不舍地想把我培养成一名绅士,我想我再也受不了了。 我还是喜欢以前的生活,于是便偷偷钻进房间,穿上我的破旧衣服,溜之大吉了。我才走了没多久,汤姆就找到我了。 “你得回去。”汤姆说。 我想起那个寡妇让我穿的锃亮的新鞋子硌脚硌得厉害,便对他说:“我才不回去呢。” “你必须得回去,哈克。”汤姆说,“我正琢磨着要成立一个强盗帮,我要你入伙。” 我挠了挠下巴。“我也不知道,汤姆。我讨厌那个寡妇一天到晚给我梳头。” “你到底想不想当强盗?” 这听起来确实很有乐子。“好吧,可是,就不能想个法子,让我在哪儿躲着,同时又当强盗吗?” “没门儿。你得回来跟道格拉斯寡妇住。我们只收体面人。” 我不太喜欢这种安排,可还是回来了。 寡妇看到我回来,大哭起来。“哦,哈克,我急坏了。你是我可怜的迷途羔羊。”接着,她骂了我几句,但我知道她没有恶意。她又给我穿上了那些花里胡哨的衣服,我又感觉给捆了起来。 过了一小会儿,她就摇铃提示要吃晚饭了。我知道不能磨蹭了,她摇铃是想让我准时下来。我在饭桌旁坐下,得等寡妇叽里咕噜念完祈祷文以后才能开始吃。 吃完晚饭后,寡妇拿出她的书给我念摩西的故事。这个人似乎十分热爱冒险,可是寡妇说摩西已经死了好多年了。我不想再听下去了,因为我不太关心死人的事儿。 寡妇的妹妹沃特森小姐搬来和她同住。她是个皮包骨头的老姑娘,鼻尖上架着副眼镜,老喜欢高高在上地盯着我看。沃特森小姐觉得她能教育我。 她会让我坐下,拿出一本拼写书,让我死啃个把小时。接着,道格拉斯寡妇会过来救我。“我觉得他今天的拼读课上得差不多了。”她会说。 接下来的一小时无聊得要死,我情不自禁地坐立不安起来。沃特森小姐会对此进行干预。 “哈克贝利,不要把脚跷在那儿。” “哈克贝利,不要窝在那儿,背挺起来。” 然后她会说:“乖点儿,哈克贝利,如果你不注意你的举止,你就会堕落。” “这样也好,”我对她说,“我都无聊死了,可以换换花样。” “哦,哈克贝利,你说这话实在是太恶劣了。” 我不想告诉她,只要能躲开她,我去哪儿都行。 等大家都睡了,我蹑手蹑脚地溜出去待一会儿。星光灿烂,林中枝叶沙沙作响,一只猫头鹰在树上呼呼地啸叫。我不禁打了一个寒战。 接着,我听到林子里传来一种让人毛骨悚然的声音,像是鬼在坟里待不住时发出的声响。我吓坏了,希望这会儿身边有个伴儿。 镇上的大钟隆隆地敲着十二点,我吓得浑身发抖。一切都好像停滞不动了,风不刮了,蟋蟀也不叫了,这时我听到树林*深处传来树枝断裂的声响。 有动静。我一动不动地坐着,侧耳倾听,不一会儿便听到一声喵喵的叫声。我也极其轻柔地喵喵叫了两声作为回应。 我站起来,贴着墙走了过去。不出我所料,汤姆??索亚在等着我。 CHAPTER 1 The Honest Truth You don't know me unless you've read a book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. That book was written by Mr.Mark Twain. In it, Mr. Twain told the honest truth. Well,maybe he added a few extra things here and there. Course it don't matter if you haven't heard of me. You'll be hearing a lot about me and my friend Tom Sawyer. Tom is my very best friend. See, Tom and I had a wild time awhile back. We found a stash of gold that some robbers had hidden in a cave. And it was finder's keepers. Tom and I got $6,000 each. That's a heap of money! Judge Thatcher put that money in the bank for us and gave us one dollar a day. That's a lot of money for me to spend in one day, but Tom can always think of something. I lived by myself for a while because my pappy ran off. I had no idea where he went. But the Widow Douglas felt sorry for me and took me in to live with her. She thought I was some kind of savage and wanted to "civilize" me. She's always reminding me of my manners. "Wash behind your ears, Huckleberry." "Don't eat with your fingers, Huckleberry." "Wipe your shoes before you come in, Huckleberry." It seemed like she could never say my name without some reminder attached to it. And she made me wear new clothes. They were itchy and tight, and I could barely breathe in them. I didn't think I could stand much more of her trying to make a gentleman of me. Since I liked my old way of life, I snuck in my room, put on my old raggedy clothes, and ran away. I wasn't gone long before Tom hunted me down. "You need to come back," Tom said. "I ain't going back there," I told him, thinking how those shiny new shoes the widow gave me pinched my toes. "You gotta come back, Huck," Tom said. "I'm thinking about starting a band of robbers.But I need you to be a part of it." I scratched my chin. "I don't know, Tom. I hate the way the widow's always combing my hair." "Do you want to be a robber or not?" It did sound like a heap of fun. “All right. But can't I hide out somewhere and still be in your gang of robbers?" "Nope. You have to go back to live with the Widow Douglas. Only respectable people can join up with us." I didn't much like that plan, but I went back anyway. The widow cried when she saw me. "Oh, Huck, I was so worried. You are my poor lost lamb." Then she called me a few bad names, but I know she didn't mean no harm. She put the fancy clothes back on me, and I felt all cramped up again. Soon she rang the bell for supper. I knew I couldn't dillydally. When she rang that bell, she expected me to come down on time. And when I got to the table, I had to wait until the widow grumbled a prayer. After supper the widow got out her book and read to me about Moses. He seemed awful adventurous. But then she told me that Moses had been dead for a long, long time. I didn't really care about listening anymore cause I don't take much stock in dead people. The widow's sister, Miss Watson, came to live with her. She was a skinny old maid who always looked down on me with her glasses perched on the end of her nose. Miss Watson thought she could educate me. She'd set me down, pull out a spelling book, and work me hard for about an hour. Then the Widow Douglas would come to my rescue. "I think he's had enough spelling lessons for today," she'd say. Then the next hour would be deadly dull. I couldn't help but fidget. Miss Watson would get onto me about it. "Don't put your feet up there, Huckleberry." "Don't scrunch up like that, Huckleberry-set up straight." Then she'd say, "Try to behave yourself. Huckleberry, if you don't mind your manners, you'll go down to the bad place." "That's okay with me," I told her. "I'm powerful bored and could use a change." "Oh, Huckleberry, that's a wicked thing to say!" I didn't want to tell her that I'd go just about any place to get away from her. Once everybody had gone to bed, I snuck out for a spell. The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods. I heard an owl who-whooing in a tree. It gave me cold shivers. Then way out in the woods I heard the kind of sound that a ghost makes when it can't rest easy in the grave.That's when I got plumb scared. I was wishing I had someone to keep me company. I was shaking all over when I heard the town clock go boom-boom-boom -twelve times. It seemed everything was still. The wind had stopped blowing. The crickets had stopped chirping. That's when I heard a twig snap down in the darkest part of the trees. Something was stirring. I sat real still and listened. Soon I heard a me-yowl me-yowl I said, "Me-yowl Me-yowl" right back as soft as I could. I got up and went over by the shed. Sure enough, just as I suspected, there was Tom Sawyer waiting for me.

有声双语经典有声双语经典(第二辑) 作者简介

马克??吐温(Mark Twain,1835—1910),美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,被誉为“真正的美国文学之父”。他一生创作了大量的小说、剧本、散文、诗歌,如《百万英镑》《竞选州长》《汤姆??索亚历险记》《哈克贝利??费恩历险记》等。他的作品幽默风趣,叙事扎实,就像一面镜子,映射着19世纪美国的社会生活,全力探索美国的政治制度、思想文化、生活方式,用犀利的语言一针见血地揭示了社会的丑恶与人性的虚荣和伪善,却又不失人道主义的关怀,发人深省。
