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《妇女研究论丛》英文集粹 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787506852296
  • 条形码:9787506852296 ; 978-7-5068-5229-6
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>

《妇女研究论丛》英文集粹 本书特色

this reader includes twenty articles and research reports that embody the most significantopinions, reflections, and research on women' s development and gender equality published incollection of women' s studies, the flagship journal of women' s and gender studies in china. itprovides a comprehensive understanding of the academic development of the discipline and itspriority research concerns, including its close ties to public policy since 1995. moreover, itendeavors to introduce to an international audience the changes that have taken place in the fieldas researchers strive to draw attention to the realities of chinese women' s situation and theirefforts to move towards emancipation and equality.

《妇女研究论丛》英文集粹 内容简介

本书全方位展示了多学科、跨学科视野下中国妇女/性别研究在学术视野、研究主题及研究方法方面的*新进展, 涵盖中国妇女与经济、妇女健康、妇女参政、反对对妇女的暴力等各领域热点议题, 既有基于中国经验的理论分析⒗贩此? 也包括大量实证研究和国际比较研究, 凸显了中

《妇女研究论丛》英文集粹 目录

introductiontan lin and chen lanyanthe third national survey on chinese women's status: key data reportresearch team of the third national survey on chinese women's statustrans. wang guoyuangrowth of senior women personnel in science and strategy for theirdevelopment: report of qualitative research in five provincesproject team of the research on the growth of senior women personnel andrelated policy recommendations trans. wang guoyuanwomen's role and status in seientifie experiments from a gender perspectivesong lin trans. zhou yuanson preferenee and imbalanced sex ratio at birth (srb) : a theoreticalframework based on a perspeetive of demandyang juhua trans. fan nison preferenee and patriarchal systems: gender analysis of the imbalance insex ratio at birth in chinali huiying trans. zhu hongthe gendered agenda of university organizational culture~a case studyof a research-based universitywang jun trans. chen lanyanagriculture-tourism" change in fields and practice of gender-baseddivision of labor among ethnic minoritieszhao qiaoyan trans. zhu hongdeveloping legislation to prevent domestic violence and promote socialharmony. a forumall translated by chen lanyanrethinking the crime of whoring with an underage girl: from a perspectiveof international covenantszhao hejunfocusing on quotas, transcending numbers: a comparison of quota systemsfor women's political participation in china and indiamin dongchao trans. ge lunhong"participatory gender budget": wenling's questc, uo xiajuan li~ xiaomin trans. zhu hong"returning home" willingly or "being sent home" unwillingly? debateson "women-returning-home" in marketization and transformation ofideologies in chinasong shaopeng trans. zheng jiaranwhy do women and men agree or oppose equal retirement age? --anempirical study of the factors influencing the choice of retirement ageretirement age research team liu bohong c-uo li hao ruiunderstanding the complexity of family patriarchy in a traditional chinesesociety a marital life-course perspectivezuo jipingdynamics of satisfaction of gender relations in migrant families: a casestudy in beijingzhang chuanhong li xiaoyun trans. niu jianlinsexuality, gender and women empowerment: a study of leaders of women'sembroidery groups after the earthquakes in sichuanpei yuxin trans. xiao renggender specificity, body practice and risky health behaviorlin xiaoshan trans. du zhiru zhu huilia summary of 2010 cwrs annual conference as the forum of "beijingq-15"zhang yongying li ya 'ni li haiyan trans. zhang xinyuan ilocalization of research on women's health in china over the past twenty yearsxiao yang trans. xue yingprogress of women's/gender studies in china based on the collection ofwomen's studies : analysis of the changes in the columns, themes andcontents of the journal over the past 20 yearsj iang xiuhua trans. zheng j iaran