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英语听说译与跨文化交际 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787509636459
  • 条形码:9787509636459 ; 978-7-5096-3645-9
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 所属分类:>>

英语听说译与跨文化交际 内容简介

本教材学生用书共包括16个单元, 其中的整合型教学模式和内容包含了英语“视”、“听”、“说”、“读”、“写”、“译”、“跨文化交际”7个部分。

英语听说译与跨文化交际 目录

Unit One
Part One Tax Time in America
Part Two Understanding Another Culture

Unit Two
Part One Portable Music Players Linked to Hearing Loss
Part Two Confronting Culture Shock (I)

Unit Three
Part One Bird Flu: Hoping for the Best, but Preparing for the Worst
Part Two Confronting Culture Shock (II)

Unit Four
Part One Lawrence Summers's Resignation as Harvard President
Part Two Communication and Miscommunication

Unit Five
Part One International Consumer Electronics Show
Part Two Living in Another Culture: From First Impressions to Insight

Unit Six
Part One President Bush's State of the Union Speech
Part Two Communication Across Cultures

Unit Seven
Part One On the Job, at Minimum Wage
Part Two Culture and Communication

Unit Eight
Part One Tools of the Trade: The Federal Reserve and the Money Supply
Part Two Cultural Diversity

Unit Nine
Part One Travel to the United States / American and British English /Oscar-Nominated Songs
Part Two Language and Culture (I)

Unit Ten
Part One Winter Cold: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Snow
Part Two Language and Culture (II)

Unit Eleven
Part One Jazz Lovers Get Together to Listen and Learn
Part Two Culture and Verbal Communication

Unit Twelve
Part One Feeling No Pain: The World of Anesthesia
Part Two Culture and Nonverbal Communication

Unit Thirteen
Part One Ride Them, Cowboys and Cowgirls! Rodeos Keep Old West Spirit Alive
Part Two Time and Space Across Cultures

Unit Fourteen
Part One Itzhak Perlman: A Citizen of the World, with His Violin as a
Part Two Intercultural Perception

Unit Fifteen
Part One Media Group Details Attacks on the World Press in 2005
Part Two Intercultural Understanding

Unit Sixteen
Part One International Sustained Dialogue: Solving Long-Term Conflicts
Part Two Intercultural Adaptation

英语听说译与跨文化交际 节选

  《英语听说译与跨文化交际》:  Language competence is the basic skill for cross-cultural communication, and inefficiency of it will inevitably cause miscommunications. However, cross-cultural miscommunication results not only from language incompetence but from other cultural factors as well. The meanings conveyed by the cultural context, like values, interpersonal relationships, stereotypes, and norms, are more complex and more difficult to understand and overcome in that they are not readily noticeable.Culture exerts a significant impact on the way people communicate. Even when we speak or write in a foreign language, we tend to do it in our own way and interpret the received messages in the same way. That tendency may account for the fact that misunderstandings inevitably arise when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate and result in counterproductive behaviors and miscommunications.  Cultural misunderstandings may occur between those people with the same mother tongue but with different cultures. Where there is a different mother tongue as well as a very different culture, clearly there will be greater potential for misunderstanding. Some misunderstandings will be found in the written language, and others in the spoken one;others may be the result of a different interpretation of a concept rather than an incorrect translation of a word or an expression. The use of colloquialisms and figurative language can be a source ofmisunderstanding.  Misunderstandings can occur between people of different cultures for a number of reasons, not necessarily because they possibly speak different languages. Certainly the potential for misunderstanding is increased when there is a language difference as well. As far as language is concemed, most words and expressions can be translated, but they may not have the same significance in another language.  There is often ambiguity in the meanings of words and expressions, and the intended meanings may be clear only from their contexts-and sometimes not even then. The ambiguity may also result from very similar pronunciations of different words. There are a number of well-known examples of such ambiguity. The ambiguity may appear only in the written form or in the oral form, but it can cause a breakdown in comprehension. Clearly cross-cultural misunderstandings can be unintentional and serious.  ……

英语听说译与跨文化交际 作者简介

