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运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 版权信息

  • ISBN:9787302206279
  • 条形码:9787302206279 ; 978-7-302-20627-9
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
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运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 本书特色


运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 目录

总序 作者介绍**部分战略运营管理第1章 运营与供应链战略第2章 质量管理第3章 新产品开发第二部分运营工具与战术第4章 流程设计与分析第5章 预测第6章 独立需求库存第7章 依赖性需求库存第10章 能力规划第11章 质量改进方法第三部分延伸企业第13章 技术与整合供应链管理第14章 全球供应链与服务集成

运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 节选


运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 相关资料

插图: The beauty of the boutique segment is that it provides a wide range of opportunity for developers. Unlike the name implies, boutique properties no longer have to be small to fit into the category; they can have hundreds of rooms.What hotels do need to have to enter into the expanding segment is panache, some roster of unique features, services, or amenities that sets them apart and easily confirms that sense of exclusivity upon guests by association.——Stefani C. O'Connor, Executive News Editor,Hotel Business, 10/061 Even though people seem to disagree on the definition of boutique hotels, most commentators agree that they have four major defining characteristics. First, as a general rule, boutique hotels put more emphasis on design and architecture than traditional chain hotels.2 Incorporating cutting-edge design and dcor and featuring celebrity architects and designers' work, boutique hotels look very distinctive inside and outside. These interior and exterior designs create the "personality" or "identity" of each hotel.3 For example, each guest room in Library Hotel in New York City has a different theme, such as romance and music. The goal of these hotels is to create a unique, intimate, and stylish environment that makes every single stay different, even for repeat guests. Boutique hotels try to entertain their guests by creating a theatrical atmosphere that attracts all the senses thoughthe use of design, color, lighting, aroma, and music.4 The second common feature is superior personal service.S Intimacy and familiarity between hotel staff and guests are emphasized; for example, a warm, carin8 attitude on the part of management and staff is encouraged, and staff members acknowledge guests by name.6 Also, boutique hotels are known to provide a higher quality and wider range of guest amenities; such hotel properties surpass the standard amenity set by providing whimsical offerings such as

运营与供应链管理理论与实践-英文版教材 作者简介

索布提·维尔马(Rohit Verma),康奈尔大学酒店管理学院服务运营管理副教授,同时在芝加哥DePaul大学、悉尼大学、挪威物流学院讲授MBA课程,在《运营管理》《决策科学》等杂志发表了50余篇学术论文。
肯尼思·博耶(Kenneth K.Boyer),俄亥俄州立大学费舍商学院运营管理著名教授,2000-2008年间曾在密歇根州立大学Broad管理学院担任供应链管理教授,同时是《运营管理》杂志主编,决策科学学会、生产与运营管理学会成员。
