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饭店实用英语-(第三版)-附听力部分MP3光盘 版权信息

饭店实用英语-(第三版)-附听力部分MP3光盘 本书特色


饭店实用英语-(第三版)-附听力部分MP3光盘 内容简介

简介   本书根据东北财经大学出版社的修订要求,坚持任务中心原则、坚持贴近行业之初衷,设定每单元的任务目标、主题思想、服务理念、实用话题、工作流程,对全书进行了必要的梳理和修正。作者对书中各部分所发现的错漏之处作了纠正和补充,较大幅度地调整了练习部分,使每课的练习形式与内容保持一致,竭力做到课文、会话、练习相辅相成,构成一个有机整体。还为学员提供多层任务平台,提供提高交际能力和认知能力的机会,提供饭店英语“结构一功能”训练的多种手段,进一步突现本教材的系统性、灵活性和应用性。另外,为方便教学,本书还为任课教师提供了练习答案和ppt网上教学资源。可供各大专院校作为教材使用,也可供从事相关工作的人员作为参考用书使用。

饭店实用英语-(第三版)-附听力部分MP3光盘 目录

Unit One An Overview of the Hotel BusinessText A A Brief History of the Hotel IndustryText B Hotels and Their ClassificationsDialog Ⅰ At the Human Resources DepartmentDialog Ⅱ Orientation (1) ——Ethics IntegrityDialog Ⅲ Orientation (2) ——GroomingExercisesUnit Two Front Office(Ⅰ)Text A Front OfficeText B ReservationDialog Ⅰ A Long Distance Call ReservationDialog Ⅱ A Group ReservationDialog Ⅲ Revising the ReservationExercisesUnit Three Front Office(Ⅱ)Text A Check-inText B Guest ServicesDialog Ⅰ Receiving Walk-in GuestsDialog ⅡExtending the StayDialog Ⅲ Orientation on Concierge's WorkExercises 'Unit Four Front Office(Ⅲ)Text A Check-outText B Cashier and Night AuditorDialog Ⅰ Foreign Currency ExchangeDialog Ⅱ Check-outDialog Ⅲ Checking Guest AccountExercisesUnit Five CommunicationsText A CommunicationsText BTelephone RoomDialog Ⅰ Sending a FaxDialog Ⅱ PrintingDialog ⅢTelephone ServiceExercisesUnit Six HousekeepingText A Housekeeping DepartmentText B Guestroom CleaningDialog Ⅰ Chamber ServiceDialog Ⅱ Laundry ServiceDialog Ⅲ Baby-sitting ServiceExercisesUnit Seven Food ServiceText A Organization of Food and Beverage DepartmentText B Restaurant ServiceDialog ⅠTaking OrdersDialog Ⅱ Room ServiceDialog Ⅲ Banqueting ServiceExercisesUnit Eight Beverage ServiceText A Beverage ServiceText B Wine FactsDialog Ⅰ At a RestaurantDialog Ⅱ Bar ServiceDialog Ⅲ Liqueur ServiceExercisesUnit Nine KitchenText A Kitchen PlanningText BTypes of KitchenDialog Ⅰ BakeryDialog Ⅱ Cold ItemsDialog Ⅲ Working as the CheFs AssistantExercisesUnit Ten Recrcation(Ⅰ)Text A Recreational CenterText B Recreational Offerings at ResortsDialog Ⅰ At the Indoor Swimming PoolDialog Ⅱ At the Bowling RoomDialog HI At the GymnasiumExercisesUnit Eleven Recrcation(Ⅱ)Text A Searching for a Healthier LifestyleText B Common Recreational ActivitiesDialog Ⅰ "Sauna Is One of the Great Pleasure of Life"Dialog Ⅱ "Massage not only Relaxes the Muscles but also Eases the Pain"Dialog Ⅲ "I Would Like to Try a New Hair Style This Time"ExercisesUnit Twelve ShoppingText A Hotel ShopText B Shopping on the WebDialog Ⅰ Showing the Guests around the ArcadeDialog Ⅱ Buying Silk FabricsDialog Ⅲ At the Chinese Folk Art CounterExercisesUnit Thirteen SecurityText A Hotel Security (Ⅰ)Text B Hotel Security (Ⅱ)Dialog Ⅰ Orientation on Fire Preventing and Fire FightingDialog Ⅱ Preventing a False ClaimDialog Ⅲ Offering First AidExercisesUnit Fourteen Engineering and MaintenanceText AEngineering and MaintenanceText B Maintenance ActivitiesDialog ⅠThe Maintenance in the Guest RoomDialog Ⅱ A Car Servicing AppointmentDialog ⅢDealing with an Elevator AccidentExercisesUnit Fifteen MarketingText A Marketing and SellingText B Common Sales ToolsDialog Ⅰ Convention Sales CallDialog ⅡExtending the SaleDialog ⅠtITalking about Hotel ReservationsExercisesUnit Sixteen ControllersText A Controllers DepartmentText B BudgetingDialog Ⅰ Normal Credit ControlDialog ⅡDaily Income AuditDialog Ⅲ Month-end Stock TakeExercisesUnit Seventeen General ManagerText AThe General ManagerText BThe General Manager's MeetingsDialog Ⅰ Solving the Guest's ComplaintDialog Ⅱ Increasing the Average RatesDialog Ⅲ Making Travel PreparationsExercises

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饭店实用英语-(第三版)-附听力部分MP3光盘 相关资料

插图:(Gests may make 8pecial requests that may require more'time and effort to fulfill thanequipment and supply requests.Front Desk agents should be allowed to use their judgrnentwhen attempting to satiafy such requests.Typical procedural requests include:split acountfolios.master account folios,transportation arrangements,entertainment reservations,ticketing,luggage handling,baby-sitting,newspaper delivery,mail and message handling,and secretarial services.A concierge may handle other procedural requests,including proViding directions andinformation on local attractions and facilities as well as arranging for airplane'theater or other reservations.and tickets.They may also be asked to arrange for car rentals and to provide special secretarial services for business travelers.Hotels not employing a conciergemav have Front Desk agents use the Front Office information directory as a resource tor referrals and outside services.A knowledgeable Front Desk agent usually can fulfill a special request involving guestfolios.Split folios are most ofien requested by business travelers.These folios separate.guest cherges int0 two or more separate folio accounts.One folio account records the charge.billed to the guest's company or to a group master account.Another folio account may track incidental charges tllat the guest will pay for,such as telephone calls,food,and beverage;this pan 0ftlle folio will most likely be paid by the guest.A convention group meeting in the hotel may request a master folio·Typically,only aut}Iorized charges incurred by the group are posted to the master folio and subsequentlybmed to the convention,s sponsor.Each group member may be held responsible for other charges posted to his or her individual folio account·Some hotels operate a guest service center.When guests have a question pecial request,tlley may not know whom to call.,Often the call goes to Front D
