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作者:Amir Dembo
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大偏差技术和应用(第2版) 版权信息

大偏差技术和应用(第2版) 本书特色


大偏差技术和应用(第2版) 内容简介

本书由浅入深,从个例到一般,从有限维到无限维,系统地介绍了大偏差理论的背景,思想和技巧以及大量的应用。书中内容翔实,思想清晰,处理,严谨流畅,相当多的理论或为作者原创,或者作者从原创论文中摘出并加以处理。 本书是研究生、博士生学习大偏差理论的一本标准教材,也是研究人员的一本标准参考书。

大偏差技术和应用(第2版) 目录

Preface to the Second Edition Preface to the Fit Edition 1 Introduction 1.1 Rare Events and Large Deviatio 1.2 The Large Deviation Principle 1.3 Historical Notes and References 2 LDP for Finite Dimeional Spaces 2.1 Combinatorial Techniques for Finite Alphabets 2.1.1 The Method of Types and Sanov's Theorem 2.1.2 Cramer's Theorem for Finite Alphabets in R 2.1.3 Large Deviatio for Sampling Without Replacement 2.2 Cramer's Theorem 2.2.1 Cramer's Theorem in R 2.2.2 Cramer's Theorem in Rd 2.3 The Gartner-Ellis Theorem 2.4 Concentration Inequalities 2.4.1 Inequalities for Bounded Martingale Differences 2.4.2 Talagrand's Concentration Inequalities 2.5 Historical Notes and References 3 Applicatio--The Finite Dimeional Case 3.1 Large Deviatio for Finite State Markov Chai 3.1.1 LDP for Additive Functiona of Markov Chai 3.1.2 Sanov's Theorem for the Empirical Measure of Markov Chai 3.1.3 Sanov's Theorem for the Pair Empirical Measure of Markov Chai 3.2 Long Rare Segments in Random Walks 3.3 The Gibbs Conditioning Principle for Finite Alphabets 3.4 The Hypothesis Testing Problem 3.5 Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Finite Alphabets 3.6 Rate Distortion Theory 3.7 Moderate Deviatio and Exact Asymptotics in Rd 3.8 Historical Notes and References 4 General Principles 4.1 Existence of an LDP and Related Properties 4.1.1 Properties of the LDP 4.1.2 The Existence of an LDP 4.2 Traformatio of LDPs 4.2.1 Contraction Principles 4.2.2 Exponential Approximatio 4.3 Varadhan's Integral Lemma 4.4 Bryc's Invee Varadhan Lemma 4.5 LDP in Topological Vector Spaces 4.5.1 A General Upper Bound 4.5.2 Convexity Coideratio 4.5.3 Abstract Gartner-Ellis Theorem 4.6 Large Deviatio for Projective Limits 4.7 The LDP and Weak Convergence in Metric Spaces 4.8 Historical Notes and References 5 Sample Path Large Deviatio 5.1 Sample Path Large Deviatio for Random Walks 5.2 Brownian Motion Sample Path Large Deviatio 5.3 Multivariate Random Walk and Brownian Sheet 5.4 Performance Analysis of DMPSK Modulation 5.5 Large Exceedances in Rd 5.6 The Freidlin-Wentzell Theory 5.7 The Problem of Diffusion Exit from a Domain 5.8 The Performance of Tracking Loops 5.8.1 An Angular Tracking Loop Analysis 5.8.2 The Analysis of Range Tracking Loops 5.9 Historical Notes and References 6 The LDP for Abstract Empirical Measures 6.1 Cramer's Theorem in Polish Spaces 6.2 Sanov's Theorem 6.3 LDP for the Empirical Measure---The Uniform Markov Case 6.4 Mixing Conditio and LDP 6.4.1 LDP for the Empirical Mean in Rd 6.4.2 Empirical Measure LDP for Mixing Processes 6.5 LDP for Empirical Measures of Markov Chai 6.5.1 LDP for Occupation Times 6.5.2 LDP for the k-Empirical Measures 6.5.3 Process Level LDP for Markov Chai 6.6 A Weak Convergence Approach to Large Deviatio 6.7 Historical Notes and References 7 Applicatio of Empirical Measures LDP 7.1 Univeal Hypothesis Testing 7.1.1 A General Statement of Test Optimality 7.1.2 Independent and Identically Distributed Observatio 7.2 Sampling Without Replacement 7.3 The Gibbs Conditioning Principle 7.3.1 The Non-Interacting Case 7.3.2 The Interacting Case 7.3.3 Refinements of the Gibbs Conditioning Principle 7.4 Historical Notes and References Appendix A Convex Analysis Coideratio in Rd B Topological Preliminaries B.1 Generalities B.2 Topological Vector Spaces and Weak Topologies B.3 Banach and Polish Spaces B.4 Mazur's Theorem C Integration and Function Spaces C.1 Additive Set Functio C.2 Integration and Spaces of Functio D Probability Measures on Polish Spaces D.1 Generalities D.2 Weak Topology D.3 Product Space and Relative Entropy Decompositio E Stochastic Analysis Bibliography General Conventio Index of Notation Index

大偏差技术和应用(第2版) 节选

eface to the Second
?his edition does not involve any major reorganization of the basic plan
.f the book; however, there are still a substantial number of changes. The
aaccuracies and typos that were pointed out, or detected by us, and that
vere previously posted on our web site, have been corrected. Here and
here, clarifying remarks have been added. Some new exercises have been
 dded, often to reflect a ressult we consider interesting that did not find its
vay into the main body of the text. Some exercises have been dropped,
ither because the new presentation covers them, or because they were too
1ifficult or unclear. The general principles of Chapter 4 have been updated
y the addition of Theorem 4.4.13 and Lemmas 4.1.23, 4.1.24, and 4.6.5.
   More substantial changes have also been incorporated in the text.
  1. A new section on concentration inequalities (Section 2.4) has been
      added.  It overviews techniques, ranging from martingale methods
      to Talagrand's inequalities, to obtain upper bound on exponentially
      negligible events.
  2. A new section dealing with a metric framework for large deviations
      (Section 4.7) has been added.
  3. A new section explaining the basic ingredients of a weak convergence
      approach to large deviations (Section 6.6) has been added. This sec-
      tion largely follows the recent text of Dupuis and Ellis, and provides
      yet another approach to the proof of Sanov's theorem.
  4. A new subsection with refinements of the Gibbs conditioning principle
      (Section 7.3.3) has been added.
  5. Section 7.2 dealing with sampling without replacement has been com-
      pletely rewritten. This is a much stronger version of the results, which
viii                           PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION
       also provides an alternative proof of Mogulskii's theorem. This ad-
        vance was possible by introducing an appropriate coupling.
    The added material preserves the numbering of the first edition. In par-
ticular, theorems, lemmas and definitions in the first edition have retained
the same numbers, although some exercises may now be labeled differently.
    Another change concerns the bibliography: The historical notes have
been rewritten with more than 100 entries added to the bibliography, both
to rectify some omissions in the first edition and to reflect some advances
that have been made since then. As in the first edition, no claim is being
made for completeness.
    The web site http://www-ee.technion.ac.il/~ zeitouni/cor.ps will contain
corrections, additions, etc. related to this edition. Readers are strongly
encouraged to send ns their corrections or suggestions.
    We thank Tiefeng Jiang for a preprint of [Jia95], on which Section 4.7
is based. The help of Alex de Acosta, Peter Eichelsbacher, Ioannis Kon-
toyiannis, Stephen Turner, and Tim Zajic in suggesting improvements to
this edition is gratefully acknowledged. We conclude this preface by thank-
ing our editor, John Kimmel, and his staff at Springer for their help in
producing this edition.
